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Evelyn Tribole

Evelyn Tribole

Evelyn Tribole is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who is committed to helping people reclaim the joy of eating and rediscover their innate wisdom when it comes to food. As one of the co-creators of Intuitive Eating, she has dedicated her career to helping individuals heal their relationship with food, body image, and weight.

Over the past three decades, Evelyn has worked with clients of all ages and backgrounds, from those struggling with eating disorders to elite athletes looking to optimize their nutrition for peak performance. As a sought-after speaker, she has given numerous presentations and workshops to help individuals, health professionals, and organizations understand the importance of adopting an intuitive eating mindset. She is also a regular contributor to media outlets, including The New York Times, CNN, and NBC News, where she shares her expert insights on topics related to diet and nutrition.

Evelyn is the co-author of Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works, which has helped countless individuals worldwide overcome chronic dieting, disordered eating habits, and negative body image. In 2020, the fourth edition of this book was released, featuring updated research and new practices that are grounded in the latest science.

Along with her work on Intuitive Eating, Evelyn has also co-authored several other books, including Healthy Homestyle Cooking and Intuitive Eating Workbook. She is the recipient of many awards and honors, including the 2019 California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Excellence in Private Practice Award and the 2020 Evelyn Attia MD Advocacy for Eating Disorders Award.

Through her workshops, books, and presentations, Evelyn Tribole has helped countless people to embrace an intuitive eating approach that enables individuals to make peace with food and their bodies. With her passion for this work and her years of professional expertise, she continues to be a trusted voice in the field of nutrition.

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