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Lama Surya Das

Lama Surya Das

Lama Surya Das is a much-revered spiritual teacher, author, and lecturer who has dedicated his life to the pursuit of genuine spiritual awakening, understanding, and wisdom. Born Jeffrey Miller in New York, he has studied and practiced several different forms of Buddhist meditative disciplines for over 45 years.

Lama Surya Das has shared his vast knowledge and experience with thousands of students and seekers from all walks of life, spanning Asia, Europe, and the United States. He is famous for his remarkable compassion, sense of humor, and deep devotion to the Buddhist teachings.

As a prolific and insightful author, Lama Surya Das has written an impressive collection of bestselling books, including Awakening the Buddha Within, Awakening to the Sacred, and Buddha is as Buddha Does, among others. His soothing and empowering words have inspired many readers to embark on their own spiritual journey.

Lama Surya Das’s lectures and talks are renowned for their depth and clarity, providing an accessible entry into the often complex and all-encompassing world of spirituality. His ability to resonate with audiences from all backgrounds and cultures has helped countless individuals to find peace, joy, and a greater sense of purpose in life.

Lama Surya Das is also the founder and spiritual director of the Dzogchen Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to the teachings and practices of the Buddhist tradition. He has dedicated his life to sharing these ancient wisdom teachings with a global audience and is committed to creating a more compassionate, sustainable, and peaceful world for us all.

Overall, Lama Surya Das is a deeply respected spiritual teacher, author, and lecturer who has touched the hearts and minds of countless individuals in his quest to help others find deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

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